学术讲座- 原子核结构理论及相关实验研究
发布者: 科研处 更新日期: 2020-11-25 访问次数: 263
讲 座 人沈水法讲 座人
职 称
讲座类型自然科学讲座对象全校师生时 间2020-11-25 14:30
地 点至诚楼1号楼206

沈水法,  现为中科院合肥物质科学研究院核能安全技术所研究员,博士生导师。先后获中科院近代物理所硕士学位、中科院上海应用物理所博士学位;先后为北京大学物理学院和泰国苏拉娜里理工大学(Suranaree  University of Technology)物理学院博士后、英国萨里大学(University of Surrey)高级研究学者(国家公派),  主要研究方向:原子核结构理论、核谱学及新核素合成与鉴别。 在学术刊物和国际会议上累计发表研究论文70余篇,其中第一作者近40篇, 这里面包括在Physics  Letters B、 Physical Review C、 The European Physical Journal A、Nuclear Physics  A和Scientific Reports上以第一作者身份发表文章共10篇, 以通讯作者身份在Physical Review  C上发表3篇,以合作者身份在Physical Review C、 Z. Phys. A和Nuclear Physics A上发表文章7篇。  2007年获国务院特殊津贴,2007年入选江西省高等学校中青年骨干教师, 2009年入选江西省新世纪百千万人才工程(百千万工程省级人选),  2020年7月受聘福建工程学院闽江学者讲座教授。
讲  座
High-spin states of 80Rb are studied via the fusion-evaporation  reactions 65Cu+19F, 66Zn+18O, and 68Zn+16O with the beam energies of 75 MeV, 76  MeV, and 80 MeV, respectively. Twenty-three states with twenty-eight γ  transitions are added to the previously proposed level scheme, where the second  negative-parity band is significantly pushed up to spins of 22− and 15− and two  sidebands are built on the known first negative-parity band. Two successive band  crossings with frequencies 0.51 MeV and 0.61 MeV in the =0 branch as well as  another one in the =1 branch of the second negative-parity band are observed.  Signature inversions occur in the positive-parity and first negative-parity  bands at the spins of 11 and 16, respectively. The signature splitting is seen  obviously in the second negative-parity band, but the signature inversion is not  observed. It is also found that the structure of the two negative-parity bands  is similar to that of its isotone 82Y. Signature inversion in the positive  parity yrast band with configuration πg9/2νg9/2 in this nucleus is discussed  using the projected shell model. A new three parameter formula is proposed for  ground-state bands in even-even soft rotors or transitional nuclei. The new  formula blends those of very soft nuclei and well deformed nuclei. Especially,  it is found in fact that the formula proposed by P. von Brentano et al. can be  derived from our formula if some approximations are adopted and it can be  explained why in their work the energy-dependent term E can be dropped. Compared  to their formula it can be resulted in that the range of validity of our formula  will be much broader than theirs.